1821-2021 - 200 years from the Greek Revolution

English Philellinists

Lord Byron

Did Lord Byron contribute to the Greek War of Independence?

Sometime during 1823, Byron received an invitation to actively support the Greek struggle for independence from Ottoman rule. He spent a tremendous amount of his personal fortune to repair ships in the Greek fleet and he even set up his own military squad, composed of fighters from Souli.Jul 3, 2021

poet Percy Shelley
The English poet Shelley once wrote: "We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, 
our arts have their roots in Greece.


1. Write your own questions for a Kahoot game about the revolution
    You can see examples

2Collaborative presentation

3. Write an article about a historical event of the Greek Revolution for the newspaper of the age with the newspaper creator

4. You can find information in your History Interactive book

Play Cahoot and check your knowledge about the Greek revolution

Emmanouel Pappas

Read about Emmanuel Pappas and fill in the worksheet.

Εμμανουήλ Παππάς- Βικιπαίδεια

Emmanouel Pappas -Wikipedia

Play Kahoot and learn about Emmanouel Pappas

Now go to the collaborative presentation and add information about our Macedonian hero.

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