Class 6th

Rivers of the world

A. parts of a river 

Basic parts of a river - Wordwall game

Parts of the river - Match the words with the images - learning app

Parts of the river - Match the words with the definitions - learning app

B. rivers of the world

World rivers for kids - Video

The longest river - Video

The Danube River - Video 

School photos

this is our school presentation


Unit 1

Our multicultural class

Flashcards: Vocabulary - Sasha from Ukraine

Read the texts and find out the meaning of unknown words.
Διάβασε τα κείμενα και ανακάλυψε το νόημα των άγνωστων λέξεων

Now you can play with Quizlet cards:
Τώρα μπορείς να παίξεις με τις κάρτες Quizlet

1. Match the images with the words.

Αντιστοίχισε τις εικόνες με τις λέξεις. 

 Credits for the following material to Maria Dimitrakopoulou
2. Read the text "Meeting the newcomers", click on the red words and find more information about them. 
Διάβασε το κείμενο "Meeting the newcomers", πάτησε πάνω στις κόκκινες λέξεις και βρες περισσότερες πληροφορίες για αυτές.

3. Click on Παρουσίαση, then click on the red words and find their meaning and more useful information about them.
Πάτησε στη λέξη "Παρουσίαση", μετά πάτησε στις κόκκινες λέξεις για να βρεις τη σημασία τους και περισσοτερες χρήσιμες πληροφορίες για αυτές.

4. Check your understanding of the text answering the comprehension questions.
   Έλεγξε τι κατάλαβες από το κείμενο απαντώντας στις ερωτήσεις κατανόησης. 

5. Watch the video about the Chernobyl accident in English.
Παρακολούθησε το βίντεο για το ατύχημα του Τσερνομπιλ στα Αγγλικά.

6. Watch the video about the Chernobyl accident in Greek.
Παρακολούθησε το βίντεο για το ατύχημα του Τσερνόμπιλ στα Ελληνικά.

7. Drag-and-drop the words to fill in the gaps.
  Σύρε τις λέξεις για να συμπληρώσεις τα κενά.

8. True or False? Αλήθεια ή Ψέμα;

9. Drag-and-drop the words to complete the information about Greece.
   Σύρε τις λέξεις στα κενά για να συμπληρώσεις τις πληροφορίες για την Ελλάδα.

 Present Continuous Live worksheet

Grammar practice -Present Continuous or Simple Present

Put the verbs into the correct tense.

Put the sentences under the correct time expression.

Watch the video and choose the correct verb.

Choose the correct verb (a).

Choose the correct verb (b).

Write your answers and send the live worksheet to your teacher.

Simple Present or Present Continuous - Live worksheet

 Simple Present tense

Adverbs of frequency

always                  = πάντα
usually                  = συνήθως
often                     = συχνά
sometimes            = μερικές φορές
rarely/seldom       = σπάνια
never                    = ποτέ

Look at the bar and choose the correct adverb:
Look at the balls and choose:
Look at the percentages and choose:
Exercise 3

Vocabulary practice

Match countries with nationalities

Cloze test

British and Greek schools. Differences and similarities.

Mystery Game

Lesson 2

School subjects - True or False
School subjects - Match the subjects with the definitions
Watch the video and tell which subjects are interesting, fun, easy or difficult for you!

Lesson 3

Geography project - My name is Gwen

The UK song

Unit 2
  Going shopping
Lesson 1 - At the supermarket

A food quiz (by Maria Dimitrakopoulou)

Watch the video and write down what the young lady wants to buy.
Παρακολούθησε το βίντεο και γράψε τι θέλει να αγοράει η νεαρή κυρία.

A dialogue at the supermarket - Watch the video and do the activities.
Ένας διάλογος στο σουπερμάρκετ. Παρακολούθησε το βίντεο και κάνε τις δραστηριότητες.

Watch the following video. How many sections/parts are there in the store?
Παρκολούθησε το παρακάτω βόντεο. Πόσα τμήματα υπάρχουν στο κατάστημα;

Countable - Uncountable 

Let's play with There is /There are - How much/How many

Let's play with many/much - little/few

Verbs of senses - Ρήματα αίσθησης

Verbs of senses - Liveworksheet

Lesson 2 - At the Mall

let's play a game 
Shopping for clothes - listen and repeat 
Clothes shopping in English
1.What are they wearing?

code - 012 324

Unit 3
Imaginary Creatures
Lesson 1

A quiz (Learning apps)

Quiz 2  (Wordwall)

Comparison of adjectives 
Watch the video and learn how to form comparative and superlative form in English

Choose the correct comparative form

Write the comparative of the adjectives 

Time to play
Game 3  Say the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives
Game 5  Who is the ...?
Game 6  What is the opposite?

Lesson 2

"As ... as" listen to the song and fill in the gaps
Now you can play in an escape room.

Unit 4

The history of the aeroplane

Watch the video and answer the questions The Montgolfier brothers

Timeline of the life of Alessandro Volta

Unit 5
Travelling through time

Study the vocabulary with this Quizlet set

Do you know to use "used to"?

Listen to the song and do the listening activity

Revision of vocabulary: quiz 

Now let's play Kahoot.

You can play Kahoot as a challenge.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Unit 6
Me, myself and my future job

End-of-the-year activities

Visit London (A1-A2)

Kahoot - What do you know about London? Play with your classmates

Kahoot - What do you know about London? You can play at your own pace.

Kahoot 2 London 

Kahoot 2 London

Kahoot 3 London (10 questions)

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